Creating an OpenSearch Cluster with Cross-cluster Replication


This article describes how to provision OpenSearch clusters with Cross-cluster replication as leaders and followers using the Instaclustr Console. Cross-cluster replication is an OpenSearch feature that allows specified indices to be automatically replicated from leader to follower clusters.

The Cross-cluster replication feature is only available for customers running in their own cloud provider account, i.e. RIYOA.

Once you have a leader cluster running you can then create a follower cluster, as you must specify the cluster you to replicate from at cluster creation time.

Table of Contents

Creating a Leader Cluster

  1. Log into the console and click the Create Cluster button.
  2. On the Applications page select OpenSearch as the application and the provider of your choice, then click Next.
  3. On the OpenSearch Setup page select Cross-cluster Replication in the Enterprise Add-Ons section, then Leader as the Replication Role, then click Next.
  4. On the Data Centre page specify the settings of your choice, then click Next.
  5. On the Confirmation page, confirm the information displayed is what you expect, accept the Instaclustr terms of service, and click Create Cluster.
  6. Once your leader cluster is running, you can proceed to create a follower cluster.

Creating a Follower Cluster

Once you have a running leader cluster, you can create a follower:

  1. Log into the console and click the Create Cluster button.
  2. On the Applications page select OpenSearch as the application and the provider of your choice, then click Next.
  3. On the OpenSearch Setup page select Cross-cluster Replication in the Enterprise Add-Ons section, Follower as the Replication Role and the leader cluster you wish to replicate from, then click Next.Note: to limit the performance impact of replication on the leader, we recommend creating no more than 3 followers per leader.
  4. On the Data Centre page specify the settings of your choice, then click Next.
  5. On the Confirmation page, confirm the information displayed is what you expect, accept the Instaclustr terms of service, and click Create Cluster.

Setting up Replication

Once you have both a leader and follower cluster running, follow the Cross-cluster Replication instructions on each cluster’s Connection Info page to set up replication directly in OpenSearch. Set up on the leader must be completed before the follower can be set up.

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