Security Access Control
For Legacy Support Purposes Only |
Selecting the security plugin when creating an Elasticsearch cluster gives richer access control as well as TLS for both transport and rest ports. Hence when using clients including cURL, java, python or C# to use Elasticsearch REST API, you will need to specify the CA files(cluster-ca-certificate.pem, truststore.jks). The following are few API examples calls
Create User:
The following cURL command shows you how to create a user with username my_user and password ChangeMe. Make sure to change cluster-ca-certificate.pem to your own path for the CA file you downloaded from the connection info page.
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curl -X PUT -u icelasticsearch:<Password> --cacert cluster-ca-certificate.pem -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -d' { "password": "ChangeMe", "backend_roles": [], "attributes":{} }' |
Changing Password
The following cURL command shows you how to change a user’s password. The cluster-ca-certificate.pem is the same as the above example.
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curl -X PUT -u icelasticsearch:<Password> --cacert cluster-ca-certificate.pem -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -d' { "password": "my_new_password" }' |
Create Role
The following cURL command shows you how to add a new role named my_role. You can specify what index the role has access to with index_permissions.index_patterns and what action is allowed with index_permissions.allowed_actions.
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curl -X PUT -u icelasticsearch:<Password> --cacert cluster-ca-certificate.pem -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -d' '{ "cluster_permissions": [ "cluster_composite_ops", "indices_monitor" ], "index_permissions": [{ "index_patterns": [ "*" ], "dls": "", "fls": [], "masked_fields": [], "allowed_actions": [ "read" ] }], }' |
Create role mapping
The following cURL command shows you how to map the role my_role we created above to the user we created in the previous example.
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curl -X PUT -u icelasticsearch:<Password> --cacert cluster-ca-certificate.pem -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -d' { "users" : [ "my_user" ] }' |