Dedicated ClickHouse Keeper
ClickHouse Keeper provides the coordination system for replication and distributed queries in ClickHouse. Whilst ClickHouse Keeper can be co-located with ClickHouse server on the same instance, it is strongly recommended that ClickHouse Keeper runs on dedicated hosts for production clusters as it is very sensitive to disk latency and ClickHouse server may utilize all available system resources.
The decision between dedicated and co-located ClickHouse Keepers should be based on your specific requirements and constraints:
- Dedicated ClickHouse Keepers prioritize performance, reliability, and scalability, but come at additional cost of running dedicated nodes for ClickHouse Keeper
- Co-located ClickHouse Keepers minimize costs and complexity and but introduce risk through resource contention between ClickHouse and ClickHouse Keeper when the node is under significant load.
To use Dedicated ClickHouse Keeper tick the option on console. This option is enabled by default for production clusters and disabled for non-production clusters.
Under the data centre section, you can now choose a node size for ClickHouse and dedicated ClickHouse Keeper separately.
Once you have set up the other ClickHouse related settings and created your cluster, you can see the ClickHouse Keeper is running on separate instances identified by the Dedicated ClickHouse Keeper role.