NetApp Apache Spark on Red Hat OpenShift – Image and Operator

For the most efficient management of Apache Spark™ on OpenShift, our Support team recommends the Red Hat – NetApp certified Operator and the certified Image. You can find a description of these by searching for “NetApp Spark OpenShift” in the Red Hat Ecosystem Catalog. and the Operator can be deployed from the OpenShift OperatorHub.

Deployment of Image:

  1. From the Tag dropdown menu on the Image page, choose the latest image
  2. Follow the instructions described under “Get this image”

Use of Image

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Custom Image:

To create your custom image, use one of the NetApp Spark images as a base. Once your custom image has been built, upload it to your local private repository. After that, you need to tag your image and push it to the repository.

               OpenShift requires credentials to access the private repository image. Below are the steps to create a secret with your username and password.

  1. Navigate to secret under Workloads and click Create then choose “Image Pull secret”

  2.  Add your required details and click Create. To get the password, use the command:  “AWS ect get-login-password –region <region-name>”
  3. Add the following to the Spark application YAML file to authenticate and use the credentials while submitting applications.

Deployment of Operator:

  1. Login, with Administrator privileges, to your Red Hat OpenShift web console
  2. Search for “NetApp Spark” in the OperatorHub Filter by keyword box to locate the NetApp Supported Apache Spark Operator
  3. Create a new namespace/project called “spark” for your Operator deployment, and follow the Red Hat instructions to install the Operator into your new “spark” namespace.
  4. Create a SparkOperator custom resource using the sample provided.
  5. Create a SparkApplication custom resource using the sample provided.

Use of Operator:


Permissions for deployment of Operator:

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Permissions for use of Operator:

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  • With questions about Apache Spark, contact NetApp’s Instaclustr support team on the web or by email at [email protected] .
  • With questions about Operators in the OpenShift OperatorHub, contact Red Hat’s support team on the web or by email at [email protected].
  • With questions about pricing, email [email protected]

If you have any questions, please contact NetApp Instaclustr Support.

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