• White Paper
Lessons Learned in PostgreSQL®
August 29, 2023


It’s a constant threat that all organizations must be prepared to encounter at any given time. But what are the immediate steps you must take to prevent a data catastrophe?  

In this Thought Leadership white paper, Instaclustr Professional Services Consultant Perry Clark recounts the story of how a client’s PostgreSQL® database was hijacked with ransomware, and the painstaking process he led to retrieve as much data as possible. 

Discover the critical steps to undertake and questions to ask, including: 

  • How to limit your risk of hacks 
  • What to immediately do if you receive a ransomware threat 
  • How to troubleshoot when recovering data 
  • What questions you need to ask to fully understand the gravity of the hack 
  • And more 

Download the PostgreSQL white paper today! 

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