Following the publication of CVE-2023-30601, Instaclustr began investigating its potential impact on our Instaclustr Managed Apache Cassandra® offering. This vulnerability affects Apache Cassandra from 4.0.0 through to 4.0.9, and from 4.1.0 through to 4.1.1 The vulnerability can be exploited with privilege escalation when enabling FQL/Audit logs, allowing users with JMX access to run arbitrary commands as the user running Apache Cassandra.  

The security controls that exist in our managed service—including but not limited to firewalls, intrusion detection, and compartmentalization practices—lower the risk of this vulnerability. However, our course of action will be to release Cassandra version 4.0.10 as a newer, patched version of Managed Cassandra and subsequently upgrade customers on an impacted version (i.e., any managed Cassandra 4.0.1, 4.0.4, and 4.0.9). Apache Cassandra version 4.0.10 contains the fix and will soon be made available on the Instaclustr Managed Platform. If you have any questions, please get in contact with Instaclustr Support. 

Mitigation for customers on Cassandra 4.0.1, 4.0.4, or 4.0.9: 

  • For customers using the managed service the Instaclustr Support team will be in contact with you to schedule an upgrade of your managed Cassandra clusters to version 4.0.10. 
  • For support only customers, you will need to upgrade your Cassandra clusters to 4.0.10, but in the short term if is advisable to close any remote JMX access to your clusters. 

As a further mitigation step, we will immediately be marking managed Cassandra versions 4.0.1, 4.0.4, and 4.0.9 as Legacy Support prior to these versions being marked as End of Life on 31 July 2023 as per our lifecycle policy. 

As always, customers who want to take a more proactive stance should limit access to their managed Cassandra cluster to only trusted clients and ensure those clients are secure. This is always good security practice in any case. 

If you have any further queries regarding this vulnerability and how it relates to Instaclustr services, please contact Instaclustr Support. 
