Instaclustr is excited to announce the General Availability release of PrivateLink for Redis™ on the Instaclustr Managed Platform.  

AWS PrivateLink is a solution for customers who wish to connect client applications in another VPC to their clusters without exposing traffic to the internet. While Instaclustr also supports VPC Peering, PrivateLink provides some advantages over VPC Peering, such as the ability to not grant bidirectional access to all resources in the 2 VPCs and providing more simplified network management.  

Our AWS PrivateLink solution achieves this by provisioning a network load balancer in front of the Redis cluster within the clusters VPC. A PrivateLink endpoint service is then attached to the load balancer which allows the client’s VPC to transact with the Redis cluster. This maintains a secure, private connection all the way along the pipeline.  

The Redis cluster is deployed with a network load balancer which connects to the client’s VPC via the AWS PrivateLink endpoint.  

Redis is the latest Instaclustr offering to receive PrivateLink support, with our managed Apache Kafka®, Apache Cassandra®, OpenSearch®, and Cadence® products already supporting the feature.   

While PrivateLink provides an easy solution for secure Redis, customers should keep in mind that PrivateLink is only supported on AWS. Customers should also recognize that PrivateLink is not supported for cross-region connections.  

We are excited to see how adding PrivateLink support for Redis simplifies for our customers the deployment of a highly secure environment to run their applications.  

PrivateLink on Instaclustr for Redis is now in General Availability, and customers can use the console, API, or Terraform to enable it today. 

Instaclustr customers looking for more information on PrivateLink can reach out to our Support team ([email protected]). If you haven’t tried Instaclustr before, you can spin up a cluster today through our console, or contact us to discuss how we can support your needs.