- Technical
Taking Elasticsearch™ for a Spin around the Race Track (Q&A): Part 3
Then may I set the world on wheels, when she can spin for her living. (Two Gentlemen of Verona, III, 1) The weary sun hath made a golden set, And by the bright track of his fiery car, Gives signal, of a goodly day to-morrow. (Richard III, V, 3) Thy burning car never had scorch’d...
Learn MorePaul BrebnerJuly 14, 2020 -
- Technical
Taking Elasticsearch™ to the Mechanics: Under the Hood Q&A (Part 2)
Marry, that’s a bountiful answer that fits all questions (All’s Well That Ends Well, II, 2) In Part 1 of this multi-part Elasticsearch Blog I revealed the most interesting things I learnt after taking Elasticsearch for my first “Test Drive”, including that Elasticsearch comes well equipped with some clever-sounding computational linguistics analysis tricks including Stemming,...
Learn MorePaul BrebnerJuly 08, 2020 -
- Technical
Taking Elasticsearch for a “Test Drive”: The Basics and Inexact Matching
“Search out thy wit for secret policies, and we will make thee famous through the world.” [Henry VI Part I, III, 3] Earlier in 2020 I decided to learn about a new addition to Instaclustr’s managed open source platform, the scalable full text search technology Elasticsearch—using OpenDistro for Elasticsearch, an Apache 2.0-licensed distribution of Elasticsearch...
Learn MorePaul BrebnerJune 25, 2020 -
- Technical
Building a Low-Latency Distributed Stock Broker Application: Part 3
In the third blog of the “Around the World ” series focusing on globally distributed storage, streaming, and search, we build a Stock Broker Application.
Learn MorePaul BrebnerApril 24, 2020 -
- Technical
An Introduction to Apache Cassandra Multi-Data Centers: Part 2
In this second blog of “Around the World in (Approximately) 8 Data Centers” series we catch our first mode of transportation (Cassandra) and explore how it works to get us started on our journey to multiple destinations (Data Centers). 1. What Is a (Cassandra) Data Center? What does a Data Center (DC) look like? Here...
Learn MorePaul BrebnerApril 03, 2020 -
- Technical
An Introduction to Apache Cassandra® Multi-Data Centers: Part 1
Quick! Grab your top hat, passport, carpetbag stuffed with (mainly) cash, and your valet (if you have one), and join with me on a wild journey around the world in approximately 8 data centers—a new blog series to explore the world of globally distributed storage, streaming, and search with Instaclustr Managed Open Source Technologies such...
Learn MorePaul BrebnerMarch 09, 2020 -
- Technical
The Power of Apache Kafka® Partitions: How to Get the Most out of Your Kafka Cluster
This blog provides an overview of the two fundamental concepts in Apache Kafka: Topics and Partitions. While developing and scaling our Anomalia Machina application we have discovered that distributed applications using Apache Kafka and Cassandra clusters require careful tuning to achieve close to linear scalability, and critical variables included the number of Apache Kafka topics and partitions. In this blog, we test that theory and answer questions like “What impact does increasing partitions have on throughput?” and “Is there an optimal number of partitions for a cluster to maximize write throughput?” And more!
Learn MorePaul BrebnerJanuary 06, 2020 -
- Feature Releases
- Technical
Apache Cassandra Elastic Auto-Scaling Using Instaclustr’s Dynamic Cluster Resizing
In the last blog, we demonstrated a complete end to end example using the Instaclustr Provisioning API, which included dynamic Cassandra cluster resizing. This blog picks up where we left off and explores dynamic resizing in more detail. 1. Dynamic Resizing Let’s recap how Instaclustr’s dynamic Cassandra cluster resizing works. From our documentation: Steps 1...
Learn MorePaul BrebnerDecember 03, 2019