- Team
Instaclustr Insights: Meet Christophe Schmitz
Name Christophe Schmitz Role Senior Software engineer Location Canberra, Australia What has your role as Senior Software Engineer at Instaclustr involved? In the last six months I have mostly been involved in a Cassandra Consulting role, helping our clients to deliver scalable platforms where Cassandra plays a central role. Before that, I was designing and...
Learn MoreInstaclustrSeptember 30, 2016 -
- Team
Instaclustr Insights: Meet Ben Slater
Name Ben Slater Role Chief Product Officer Location Canberra, Australia How did you get started working in IT? I’ve done quite a few jobs in my IT careers, but prior to Instaclustr I worked for Accenture for 10 years with a speciality in BI/Analytics and also some time setting up and running an enterprise managed...
Learn MoreInstaclustrAugust 01, 2016 -
- Technical
Apache Cassandra Deployed on Private and Public Networks
Overview Since we started our managed Cassandra service, we have had a number of customers wanting to have some of their applications communicate with Cassandra using a private network, while other applications communicate using the public network. While this isn’t an uncommon request, the solution and its limitations are not well documented. In this blog post...
Learn MoreInstaclustrJuly 18, 2016 -
- Technical
TTLRemover: Tool for Removing Cassandra TTLs for Recovery and Testing Purposes
TTLs (time to live) are very useful features of Cassandra. They essentially provide an automatic deletion timer on any piece of data inserted into Cassandra. They can be specified either as part of an insert or update statement or set by default in a table’s schema and apply down to the column/value level in the...
Learn MoreInstaclustrMay 11, 2016 -
- Technical
Post 500 Nodes: High Availability & Scalability with Riemann
This blog post is how Instaclustr built a highly-available monitoring solution for our fleet of Apache Cassandra and Apache Spark clusters; by using a combination of Riemann (an event stream processor) and RabbitMQ (a distributed, fault-tolerant message broker). Riemann is a fantastic stream-based event processing engine, written in Clojure (a JVM language), that serves as...
Learn MoreInstaclustrMay 03, 2016 -
- Technical
Zero Downtime Migration to Instaclustr
One question we often get from prospective customers is “Can you migrate my existing Cassandra cluster to Instaclustr without any downtime?”. The answer to that is, of course, “YES!”. We have done this on numerous occasions now. This blog gives a brief walk-through of the process we follow to achieve that migration. Overview This procedure...
Learn MoreInstaclustrApril 30, 2016 -
- Feature Releases
Now Available: m4.large Based Nodes for the Lowest-Cost, Production-Ready Managed Cassandra
Instaclustr is pleased to announce immediate available for a new “production-tiny” node size, starting at $250 / month on-demand. The production-tiny size is based on the AWS m4.large instance size (2 CPU, 8GB RAM) with 250GB of attached EBS. The production-tiny size is the entry level into our production size offerings with full production SLAs...
Learn MoreInstaclustrApril 30, 2016 -
- Team
Instaclustr Insights: Meet Aleks Lubiejewski
Name Aleks Lubiejewski (www.linkedin.com/in/alekslubiejewski) Role VP Consulting & Security. My role here is two-fold. Firstly, I run the consulting business for Instaclustr, responsible for planning and delivering our consulting strategy, defining our processes, looking after the team and ensuring we hit our revenue targets. Secondly, I look after our internal security program, reviewing our implementation...
Learn MoreInstaclustrApril 29, 2016