Instaclustr Blog Archive
2019 | Page 4
- Apache Cassandra
- Apache Kafka
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Massive scale Apache Kafka® and Apache Cassandra® deployment for real-time anomaly detection: 19 Billion events per day
“The limits of the possible can only be defined by going beyond them into the impossible.” – Arthur C. Clarke At Instaclustr, we constantly push ourselves to test the limits of the performance and scalability of the open source technologies our Managed Platform offers. Even at massive scale, our platform ensures that the reliability of...
Learn MoreInstaclustrJune 04, 2019 -
- News
Instaclustr Anomaly Detection Application Successfully Processes 19 Billion Real-Time Events Per Day Using Apache Cassandra and Apache Kafka
Discover how Instaclustr demonstrates its prowess in anomaly detection as it processes 19 billion events using Cassandra and Kafka.
Learn MoreInstaclustrJune 04, 2019 -
- Team
Instaclustr Insights – Meet Steve Francis
Name Steve Francis Role VP of Sales Location Seattle, Washington, US How long have you been at Instaclustr? I just started at Instaclustr less than a month ago, so I’m brand new to the team. I joined after more than five years at VMware, where I most recently served as Senior Director, U.S. Commercial SDN...
Learn MoreInstaclustrJune 03, 2019 -
- Apache Cassandra
- Apache Kafka
- Popular
- Technical
Geospatial Anomaly Detection: Part 1—Massively Scalable Geospatial Anomaly Detection With Apache Kafka® and Apache Cassandra®
Recently we announced that we had reached the end of the Anomalia Machina Blog series, but like Star Trek, the universe just keeps on expanding with endless new versions (> 726 Star Trek episodes and movies in 2016!). I guess this makes this blog an anomaly of sorts. Part 1: The Problem and Initial Ideas...
Learn MorePaul BrebnerMay 16, 2019 -
- Team
Instaclustr Insights – Meet Jordan Braiuka
Name Jordan Braiuka Role Senior Software Engineer Location Canberra, Australia How did you get started working in IT? I have always had a very logical thought process, so working with computers always seemed like the obvious choice. After finishing my uni degree, I got a job working as a Systems Administrator for a couple of...
Learn MoreInstaclustrMay 13, 2019 -
- Apache Kafka
- Technical
Apache Kafka® Schema Registry is now available on the Instaclustr Managed Platform
Instaclustr is pleased to announce the availability of Schema Registry support as an add-on for Kafka offering on the Instaclustr Managed Platform. When using Apache Kafka, there is an implicit assumption that developers of Kafka clients (Producers and Consumers) ensure the implementation takes care that the format of the messages being written to and read...
Learn MoreInstaclustrMay 08, 2019 -
- Apache Kafka
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- Technical
Announcing New Instance Type (i3s) and SSD Based Storage for Apache Kafka® on AWS
Since the launch of Instaclustr Managed Kafka, we have gained broad production experience managing Apache Kafka across a wide range of use cases. With more production clusters, we are learning more about Kafka and how best to tune and optimise it for performance, scale, and reliability. Part of the learning was that Kafka is being...
Learn MoreInstaclustrMay 06, 2019 -
- Apache Cassandra
- Apache Kafka
- Popular
- Technical
Anomalia Machina 10: Final Results with Apache Kafka® and Apache Cassandra®
In this tenth and final blog of the Anomalia Machina series we tune the anomaly detection system and succeed in scaling the application out from 3 to 48 Cassandra nodes, resulting in some impressive numbers: 574 CPU cores (across Cassandra, Kafka, and Kubernetes clusters), 2.3 million writes/s into Kafka (peak), 220,000 anomaly checks per second...
Learn MorePaul BrebnerApril 30, 2019