Redwood City, CA — September 15, 2015 — Instaclustr, a high-tech company delivering hosted and managed Apache Cassandra™ services, today announced a new partnership agreement with Mashape to support users of their open source API gateway called Kong.

Mashape delivers the world’s largest API marketplace and Kong, an open source API layer or gateway. Kong uses Cassandra as its primary datastore to store any data including APIs, Consumers and Plugins. Instaclustr has partnered with Mashape to deliver a hosted and managed Cassandra solution in the cloud for their customers.

Instaclustr CEO, Peter Nichol is excited about the new partnership and mutual opportunity, “The Mashape and Instaclustr stories are very similar and we share strong mutual interests, making for a strong partnership.   I have been really impressed with the Mashape team, their solutions and customer traction. Instaclustr is here to support the Kong user community in making it easy to deploy Cassandra in the cloud for their Kong deployments.”

Mashape Head of Engineering, Ahmad Nassri provided his thoughts on the partnership, “we are pleased to be able to provide the Kong user community with an easy path to deploying Cassandra clusters to support their Kong deployment.   We selected Cassandra as our initial database technology due to its scalability, reliability and performance. Having a managed service like Instaclustr is a great enabler for the Kong user community. ”

Mashape and Instaclustr will also be working on a number of joint consulting and engineering efforts over the coming months to further extend and enhance the partnership.

More information about the partnership and Managed Cassandra offering can be found here (

Contact: Doug Stuart – [email protected]
Morgan Davies – [email protected]

About Instaclustr

Instaclustr provides a hosted and fully managed Cassandra-as-a-Service solution for our customers. The hosted Cassandra and DataStax Enterprise solutions power mission-critical big data applications for customers, enabling them to transform their business and engage like never before with their customers.

Instaclustr powers the backend of these companies allowing them to concentrate on the development of their business applications and engaging effectively with their customers.

For more information, visit and follow us @Instaclustr.

About Mashape

Mashape makes it easy to distribute, monetize, manage and consume cloud APIs. Mashape is building a world-class marketplace for cloud APIs, driven by a passionate community of developers from all over the world.

Mashape is the world’s largest API marketplace and is powered by Kong. Delivering reliable and secure service to the 140,000 active developers in the Mashape community.

About Apache Cassandra

Apache Cassandra is an open source distributed database management system designed to handle large amounts of data across many commodity servers, providing high availability with no single point of failure.

Cassandra offers robust support for clusters spanning multiple data centers, with asynchronous masterless replication allowing low latency operations for all clients.

About Kong

Kong is a scalable, open source API Layer (also known as a API Gateway, or API Middleware). Kong runs in front of any RESTful API and is extended through Plugins, which provide extra functionalities and services beyond the core platform.

Kong is built on top of reliable technologies like NGINX and Apache Cassandra, and provides you with an easy to use RESTful API to operate and configure the system.