Instaclustr Blog Archive
- Apache Cassandra
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Apache Cassandra 2.2 – 5 things you need to know
Today Instaclustr has released beta support for Apache Cassandra 2.2 across all our plans. This article goes under the hood to explore some of the key changes and features in this latest version.
Learn MoreInstaclustrDecember 17, 2015 -
- Apache Cassandra
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Monitoring Apache Cassandra® and IT infrastructure with Riemann
Efficient and effective monitoring of IT infrastructure is a common challenge faced by most modern organizations. This is particularly relevant with Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) companies as they strive to provide the best possible front end user experience as possible, with the lowest or shortest downtime.
Learn MoreInstaclustrDecember 13, 2015 -
- Technical
What’s new for November!
Spark Jobserver Spark Jobserver provides the ability to upload and initiate Spark jobs on your cluster via http and https, eliminating the need to install Spark on your workstation and simplifying network configuration. See the step-by-step tutorial here. Column family level monitoring in our console and API The monitoring view directly in our console now...
Learn MoreInstaclustrDecember 01, 2015 -
- Apache Cassandra
- Apache Spark
- Technical
Apache Spark™ Streaming and Cassandra
We have just posted a step by step tutorial on our support portal on using our Managed Apache Spark and Cassandra offering to set up Spark Streaming to receive and summarise data from Apache Kafka and then save it to Cassandra. Developing this example got me thinking – what are the solution patterns where it makes sense...
Learn MoreBen SlaterNovember 17, 2015 -
- Technical
What’s New: October 2015
The last month or has seen a raft of new features helping to ensure that Instaclustr is the best service possible for our customers. Here’s a round of what we’ve released: Spark Preview Release: Apache Spark and Cassandra together from one, trusted provider. See for the details on this. New AWS EBS Backed Instance...
Learn MoreBen SlaterNovember 05, 2015 -
- Apache Cassandra
- Technical
Apache Cassandra Synchronization
It’s all about the timing! Instaclustr has recently implemented it own NTP (Network Time Protocol) cluster to be used by the Cassandra clusters under our management environment. This is another example of how we are working to provide the best possible management and reliability for our customer’s Cassandra clusters. NTP, as most technical people know,...
Learn MoreBen SlaterNovember 05, 2015 -
- Apache Spark
- Technical
Managed Apache Spark™ on Cassandra
Instaclustr has made available a preview release of our managed service for Apache Spark running with Cassandra. This release makes the core features of Spark available for use while we work on building out the feature set to improve useability. This blog post explains the features of our current release and the additional features you...
Learn MoreBen SlaterNovember 02, 2015 -
- Apache Cassandra
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Apache Cassandra on AWS EBS infrastructure
Instaclustr has updated it’s Cassandra on AWS EBS infrastructure offerings to include m4.xlarge class instances on AWS. Over 100 hours of testing and tuning has demonstrated that these nodes, using EBS provide substantial price/performance benefits for many use cases. It’s traditional wisdom that Cassandra and AWS EBS don’t mix. However, with the release of the...
Learn MoreBen SlaterOctober 28, 2015